Friday, December 28, 2007


It's been a busy couple of weeks, getting all the final holiday preparations done, and then, of course, getting through the holidays. I had a lovely time, despite the craziness. I did finally finish my shopping, wrapping and everything else - though just barely in time. I was thrilled to do a great deal of my shopping with some of the fabulous indie businesses I network with, so I didn't end up at the mall quite as often as in past years, which is a great relief. I also made some gifts myself (um, crazy, I know, given how little time I had).. I love to give handmade gifts, and my friends and family really appreciate it. Many of the gifts I made were a preview of some new products I'll be launching in the new year. (Sorry, not ready to show the world, just yet.)

I spent the holidays at my brother's house. My aunt Linda and uncle Pete hosted our Christmas Eve celebration. The whole family was there, and we celebrated with great food, a little wine and our traditional Secret Santa. (And to my Secret Santa, if you're reading, thank you very much. I love my gift, but I wish you'd reveal yourself to me!) Christmas dinner was at my brother and sister-in-law's house. We ate, drank and were very merry, all day long. Our dinner was wonderful (John and Dawn are great cooks) and we had a fun and relaxing day together.

Now I'm taking some time to relax a bit, and working on getting myself organized, in my studio, and beyond.

Hope you are enjoying the holidays, and wishing you a Happy New Year!

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